Poster Presentation
Friday, 21 July 2006
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Friday, 21 July 2006
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
This presentation is part of : Poster Presentations III
Adolescents with Multiple Neurosurgeries and Experienced Chronic Pain
Hitomi Kobayashi, MSN, RN1, Linda A. Lewandowski, PhD, RN2, Patricia Beview, MSN, RN3, Trisha Leonard, MSN, RN, CPNP3, Jacquelyn M. Harold, BSN, RN3, Laura Morasset, BScN, RN3, April Vallerand, PhD, RN1, and Jamie Crawley, MBA, RN4. (1) College of Nursing, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA, (2) College of Nursing, Wayne State University/CHildren's Hospital of Michigan, Detroit, MI, USA, (3) Nursing, Children's Hospital of Michigan, Detroit, MI, USA, (4) College of Nursing, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON, Canada
Learning Objective #1: Learn the life perceptions of adolescents who have had multiple neurosurgeries and experience chronic pain.
Learning Objective #2: Learn their perception of quality of life and experiences coping with multiple hospitalizations and chronic pain.

Adolescence is a critical developmental period with many changes and challenges as the teenager seeks to make the transition into adulthood.  This transition is even more challenging when an adolescent has a chronic medical condition and chronic pain. This project is part of an ongoing larger study which combines quantitative and qualitative methods to explore family coping and resiliency when an adolescent family member has had multiple (>10) neurosurgeries and has chronic pain. This presentation will focus on data from qualitative interviews with the adolescent patients.  This presentation will describe the life experiences and perceptions of adolescents who have had multiple neurosurgeries and experience chronic pain, including their coping strategies in dealing with chronic pain and multiple hospitalizations, effects on family and peer relationships, and their perception of their quality of life.  Using purposive sampling, approximately fifteen adolescents (will continue until saturation is reached), ages 11-18 years who have had multiple neurosurgeries and chronic pain, are being recruited from a population of adolescents followed on the pediatric neurosurgical service at a tertiary care center (8 completed, study in progress now).  Thematic and content analysis will be utilized to describe the experiences and responses of these adolescents.  This is the first known study to document the experiences of adolescents with who have had multiple neurosurgeries and experience chronic pain.   Data collection and analysis will be completed by May, 2006.

See more of Poster Presentations III
See more of The 17th International Nursing Research Congress Focusing on Evidence-Based Practice (19-22 July 2006)