Saturday, July 14, 2007
This presentation is part of : Supporting EBN Through Education
A Model for Teaching Transdisciplinary Evidence Based Practice
Martha Raile Alligood, PhD, RN, BSL, BSN, MS, School of Nursing, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC, USA
Learning Objective #1: Describe a model for teaching transdisciplinary evidence based practice for medicine, nursing, and allied health sciences.
Learning Objective #2: Discuss the use of the transdisciplinary model for course development.

Since evidence based practice (EBP) was first introduced in the medical literature in the early 1990’s recognition of its utility has grown progressively among the health science disciplines. We now have journal articles and books devoted to that theme and journals devoted solely to publication of EBP and research. Concomitantly, a major theme in this 21st century among the health sciences is the need for practitioners in the disciplines to become more knowledgeable of the roles of their health science colleagues. Simply put, models of seamless health care have ushered in the need for and are dependent on transdisciplinary education in the health sciences. This paper presents a teaching-learning model developed for a course in transdisciplinary EBP for students in medicine, nursing, and allied health sciences. The model was developed from the results of a comparative analysis study conducted with a qualitative research design to explore the EBP literature from medicine, nursing, and allied health sciences. From this study a deeper understanding of EBP in each of the disciplines was developed as well as an appreciation of the similarities and differences among the disciplines. Important goals of the study were 1) recognition of the strength of each discipline’s contribution to patient care, 2) mutual understanding, and 3) respect for the contribution of each discipline. These goals were also maintained in the process of course development. These understandings lay the foundation for teaching transdisciplinary EBP. The presentation includes the teaching-learning model of the interrelationship of meanings of EBP in the health science disciplines. A sample course syllabus with course description, objectives, content outline, activities, and evaluation methods is shared to illustrate the approach and enlist discussion.