Poster Presentation

Thursday, July 12, 2007
9:30 AM - 10:15 AM

Thursday, July 12, 2007
3:15 PM - 4:00 PM
This presentation is part of : Poster Presentation II
Critical Incident Management by Baccalaureate Nursing Students Using High-Fidelity Human Patient Simulation
Janet G. Whetstone Foster, RN, PhD, CNS, CCRN, College of Nursing, Texas Woman's University, Houston, TX, USA
Learning Objective #1: describe an innovative approach to use of high fidelity human patient simulation in an undergraduate curriculum for learning critical incident management.
Learning Objective #2: discuss the outcomes of high fidelity human patient simulation use including student confidence, knowledge acquisiton, and satisfaction with the learning methods.

     High-fidelity human patient simulators (HPSs) are mannequins with physiological attributes controlled by computer software that can replicate many humanistic functions.  Simulation provides a realistic experience for students to learn complex skills, appropriate interventions, critical thinking, and decision-making in a safe environment without risk of harm to patients.  Ten critical incidents have been identified by nurse leaders for which graduate nurses should have competence in managing upon graduation in order to provide safe care in hospitals.  Though high-fidelity HPS is presumed to be an effective teaching strategy for preparing nursing students for the workplace, there is limited research demonstrating outcome measures of simulation methodology.  The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of high-fidelity HPS in teaching baccalaureate nursing students management of a select critical incident.
     This is a prospective, quasi-experimental, non-randomized, controlled study. Three academic institutions have collaborated with four hospitals for this project.  The goals of the project are to 1) evaluate the effectiveness of RNs working in the service sector in the role of nurse educator using simulation methods, and 2) to evaluate the outcomes of high fidelity HPS relative to graduating nursing students’ confidence, knowledge acquisition, and satisfaction with the methodology.  We have completed the first year of the project, recruited and trained 65 RNs in both the technological aspects and faculty role in the use of high-fidelity HPS for a simulated patient experiencing a pulmonary embolism. We have begun the second year of the study, using simulation methodology to teach baccalaureate nursing students; we anticipate a sample size of approximately 460 students. Data collection, analysis, and results will be completed in Spring, 2007.  Outcomes to be measured include student confidence in performance, satisfaction with the teaching method, and knowledge acquisition using three separate instruments; and effectiveness of RN performance in facilitation of high-fidelity HPS.