Learning Objective 1: Describe an innovative educational model to promote seamless academic progression and increase the number of baccalaureate prepared nurses.
Learning Objective 2: Identify the characteristics of an evidence-based curriculum and program outcomes resulting from a partnership that fosters seamless access to higher education in nursing
Methods: This program evaluation studied outcome measures including admission characteristics (NET scores, overall GPA, pre-requisite course GPA); enrollment, attrition, performance in ASN coursework, BSN coursework, graduation rates, NCLEX and MSN enrollment.
Results: Outcomes include strong faculty and student satisfaction. Benefits to ASN program are quality of students, retention, performance on benchmarking instruments and on NCLEX. Benefits to the university are increase in BSN admission capacity and retention of students who were choosing other fields rather than waiting to enter the BSN program. The positive outcome for the community is the increase in supply of BSN nurses. As of fall 2009, 26% of the graduates of the Concurrent Program have begun or graduated from a MSN program; as compared to a national average of 4% of all ASN graduates who return to earn the MSN.
Conclusion: In response to community demand, this model has been extended to an additional community college. This evidence-based curriculum can become a national model. Discussion will focus on program outcomes, curriculum development and innovative change methods used to help two large educational systems learn to work together to accomplish something many thought impossible.
See more of: Research Sessions: Oral Paper & Posters