Monday, July 11, 2011: 1:45 PM-3:00 PM
Description/Overview: The complexity of educating health care providers continues to grow as new technologies proliferate which lack supporting evidence. Trainees are increasingly required to attain a minimum competence prior to providing patient care, and many accreditation bodies now mandate demonstration of competence prior to licensure or board certification. The opposing forces of increased expectations and reduced resources have greatly impacted the training of health care professionals. A hybrid of new technologies may offer one step towards the reconciling of this paradox. However, more research is needed to identify the appropriate approach for specific outcomes, how do we effectively incorporate simulated opportunities into our educational program and how do we know if they are better than the way “we have always done it?”
Learner Objective #1: The learner will be able to define simulation and discuss how many ways can we “simulate”.
Learner Objective #2: The learner will identify ways to conduct research using simulation/simlators
Organizers: Judy L. LeFlore, PhD, RN, NNP-BC, CPNP-AC&PC, ANEF, College of Nursing, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX
Moderators: Hanna A. Belay, MSN, RN, Nursing Education, St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital, Houston, TX
See more of: Plenaries/Special Sessions