Friday, July 15, 2005: 2:30 PM-4:00 PM
Value-Added Services Can't Age Discriminate: Utilizing Evidence-Based Nursing Practice to Capitalize on the Brain Trust of Senior Nurses
Learning Objective #1: State the commonalities that exist in the practice patterns of senior nurses
Learning Objective #2: Discuss the physical and environmental components that facilitate caregiving by senior nurses
In spite of the nursing shortage, there appears to be the pervasive belief that once an individual reaches a certain age, their usefulness in the clinical environment is questionable, at best.While discussions have ensued in terms of expertise, problem-solving, and interpersonal relationships our senior colleagues bring to the table, nursing continues to focus its efforts on the recruitment and retention of the young. Such practices serve only to sacrifice the knowledge and skills, much of what has been evidence-based contexually, of those who have come before and who may still consider themselves viable members of our profession with much yet to contribute. This presentation will focus on strategies to capitalize on the many and varied talents of our senior colleagues, utilizing evidence-based practices to demonstrate the value of keeping them actively engaged in the clinical arena. Through the utilization of these talents, evidence-based practices, which have a significant impact upon patient outcomes, become more "human" and less impersonal and can remain a viable component of future healthcare delivery.
Organizer:Sheila A. O'Connor, RN, MS, MBA, CNOR, CNS, CNAA
Presenters:JoAnn Kamencik, RN, PhD, MBA
Vickie Brooks, RN, BSN
 The Psycho-Social Characteristics of An Aging RN Workforce
JoAnn Kamencik, RN, PhD, MBA
 Environmental Components Which Facilitate Care-Giving by Senior Nurses
Sheila A. O'Connor, RN, MS, MBA, CNOR, CNS, CNAA, Joann Kamencik, RN, PhD, Vickie Brooks, RN, BSN
 Utilizing Evidence-Based Leadership As a Means To Enhance Potential In An Aging Workforce
Sheila Ann O'Connor, RN, MS, MBA, CNOR, CNS, CNAA, Joann Kamencik, RN, PhD, Vickie Brooks, RN, BSN

16th International Nursing Research Congress
Renew Nursing Through Scholarship
14-16 July 2005
Hawaii’s Big Island