G 19 Building a Culture of Safety: Aligning innovative leadership rounding and staff driven hourly rounding strategies

Tuesday, 19 November 2013: 8:30 AM-9:45 AM
Description/Overview: Patient safety is a priority in healthcare and leaders recognize the importance of patient safety in achieving and sustaining outstanding patient outcomes. Leaders identify patient safety as a strategic and operational priority and commit a substantial investment of resources, time and effort into achievement of goals and outcomes. Findings and recommendations from the Institute of Healthcare Improvement, Institute of Medicine and The Joint Commission are part of the benchmarking done during environmental assessments that are part of the strategic planning sessions that focus and direct the work of a hospital or health system for several years. This presentation will focus on one healthsystem's method of building a culture of safety throughout a five hospital system using a leader driven model to set expectation, educate and sustain accountability and commitment to safety at all levels including physician partnership. Each of the three presentations will discuss processes used to engage leaders and staff in the embedding of error prevention strategies into the daily operation. The first program will discuss senior leadership processes and strategies used to set expectations and role model for staff through the implementation of leadership rounding; the second presentation will discuss how directors and nurse managers implemented a leadership rounding structure and process to monitor, recognize and modify care practices to improve safety and quality of patients; the third presentation will describe how a nurse manager promoted staff engagement in developing and implementing a nurse driven hourly rounding model based on safety tools.
Learner Objective #1: Describe expectations and processes used by leaders and managers to build a culture of safety and accountability
Learner Objective #2: Describe strategies and lessons learned by leaders in the culture of safety building process.
Moderators:  Anna Dermenchyan, RN, BSN, CCRN-CSC, Department of Medicine, UCLA Health System, Los Angeles, CA
Symposium Organizers:  Ann Marie T. Brooks, DNSc, RN, MBA, FAAN, FACHE, FNAP, Main Line Health System - Riddle Memorial Hospital, Newtown Square, PA
Building a Culture of Safety: Implementing a new leadership rounding model

Ann Marie T. Brooks, DNSc, RN, MBA, FAAN, FACHE, FNAP
Main Line Health System - Riddle Memorial Hospital, Newtown Square, PA

Building a Culture of Safety: Nurse Managers as drivers of safety and quality

Eileen Phillips, RN, BSN, MSN
Nursing Administration, Main Line Health- Riddle Hospital, Media, PA

Building a Culture of Safety: Fostering a Staff Driven Model of Safety and Engagement

Marge Rosso, RN, BSN, BC-NE
Main Line Health-Riddle Hospital, Media, PA