A Pilot Study of Student Nurses’ Self-Efficacy in Performing Venipuncture

Friday, 20 April 2018

Christine M. Nebocat, MS, MLS (ASCP)CM, CHES
Department of Medical Laboratory Technology in the Theresa Patnode Santmann School of Heath Sciences, Farmingdale State College, FARMINGDALE, NY, USA

Phlebotomy training is currently not included in undergraduate nursing programs in Long Island, New York. After graduating, nurses are often expected to perform venipuncture on patients in the field. Without adequate clinical practice, there is potential for phlebotomy-related complications such as inappropriate sample collection, self-inflicted injuries, and undue harm to patients. The level of self-efficacy correlates with a student’s perception of how capable he or she is in accomplishing a task. Individuals with increased self-efficacy are more likely to succeed in the field. In this study, undergraduate nursing students from a local Long Island college were separated into two groups using random stratified sampling. This sampling method ensured an equal number of sophomore, junior, and senior students in each group. The activity was developed to determine if a hands-on phlebotomy training seminar would improve phlebotomy self-efficacy. The intervention group received a 3-hour seminar that included a lecture and hands-on learning component, prior to practicing venipuncture on an artificial arm. The comparison group were only able to view a brief demonstration of venipuncture on an artificial arm. Both groups were given the opportunity to perform phlebotomy on the artificial arm. After the activity, the students completed a Phlebotomy Self-Efficacy Scale (PSES). The scores of the PSES from the two groups of students were compared. There was a significant difference in PSES scores between the comparison group and the intervention group. The intervention group, who attended the full 3-hour hands-on seminar, had higher self-efficacy scores than those in the comparison group, who did not have the full training. These findings support the inclusion of a hands-on phlebotomy training to improve levels of self-efficacy in nursing students. Academic grade level, prior employment in the medical field, and clinical hours were also compared to the PSES scores. There were no significant findings in comparing these factors to the scores in either group separately, or combined. This was likely due to the fact that regardless of academic year, prior employment, or number of clinical hours, the students were still not being exposed to phlebotomy. Therefore, the level of self-efficacy was not affected by any one of these factors. This study highlights a gap in the undergraduate nursing curricula. Any hands-on clinical experiences that will improve self-efficacy, and is practiced in the field of nursing, should be incorporated into nursing curricula for the benefit of all patients.
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