Will Bi-Monthly Telephone Contact Help Compliance to Improve Exercise Regimen in Obese Type 2 Diabetes?

Friday, 20 April 2018

James Todd, DNP, RN
College of Nursing, Mississippi University for Women, Tupelo, MS, USA


Diabetes is a compelling and complex disease with a high morbidity and mortality rate. The cost associated with this disease, financially and physically, is substantial. Diabetes affects 25.8 million people (8.3%) of the population in the United States, and data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey showed that more than one-third (34.9%) of adults were obese (Centers for Disease Control [CDC], 2013). The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that 8.3 percent or 25.8 million people in the U.S. are obese and 9.3 percent or 29.1 million have diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a chronic health condition that has also been called adult-onset or non-insulin dependent diabetes. Although an individual living with type 2 diabetes is most likely a life-long condition, it can be controlled by losing weight, adhering to a healthy diet and exercise regimen. Studies have shown that participating in physical activity 20 to 30 minutes at least every 48 hours can play a role in the control of a diabetic individual’s hemoglobin A1C by increasing the efficiency of insulin in the body which allows more insulin to enter the cells and decrease blood glucose levels. Physical activity/exercise is a fundamental component of self-management in diabetes care. The purpose of this project is to identify if bi-monthly telephone contact will help motivate obese individuals who have type 2 diabetes to be more compliant with an exercise regimen. The pilot study consisted of bi-monthly (twice monthly) telephone contact with type 2 diabetics who are obese. The sample size of participants included 20 individuals ranging 19 to 78 years of age. The study included two males and 18 females. The findings of this study suggest that type 2 obese diabetics are more physically active and compliant in an exercise regimen when contacted twice a month by telephone calls. Study participants reported being motivated to be more physically active through telephone contact and a having an overall sense of well-being after exercising.

See more of: Poster Session 1
See more of: Oral Paper & Posters